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Knee Arthroscopy is a common surgical procedure performed using an arthroscope, a viewing instrument, to look into the knee joint to diagnose or treat a knee problem. It is a relatively safe procedure and a majority of the patient’s discharge from the hospital on the same day of surgery.
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is surgery to reconstruct the torn ligament of the knee with a tissue graft. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Your surgeon will make two small incisions around your knee. An arthroscope, small video camera, is inserted through one incision to see the inside of the knee joint.
Patellar (knee cap) instability results from one or more dislocations or partial dislocations (subluxations). Patella is the small piece of bone in front of the knee that slides up and down the femoral groove (groove in the femur bone) during bending and stretching movements.
Meniscus is the C-shaped two pieces of cartilage located between thighbone and shin bone that act as shock absorbers and cushion the joints. Meniscal tear may be developed by people of all ages and is more common in individuals who play contact sports.
Knee Arthroscopy is a common surgical procedure performed using an arthroscope, a viewing instrument, to look into the knee joint to diagnose
or treat a knee problem.
The knee joint is vulnerable to a variety of injuries. The most common knee problems where knee arthroscopy may be recommended for diagnosis and treatment are:
Knee arthroscopy is performed under local, spinal, or general anesthesia. Your anesthesiologist will decide the best method for you depending
on your age.
Most patients are discharged the same day after knee arthroscopy. Recovery after the surgery depends on the type of repair procedure performed.
Recovery from simple procedures.
Dr. Thomas Youm is a Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon who specializes in the treatment of athletic injuries and performs arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery
of the shoulder, knee, and hip. He has a special interest in joint preservation surgery for the active patient.
“ I underwent knee arthroscopy with Dr. Youm. The surgery allowed me to play basketball, hike, golf, play
baseball, and resume a physically active lifestyle without limitations. What stands out with Dr. Youm is the quality of care and efficiency of the procedure. I have already recommended a friend to Dr. Youm who has had surgery
and successful treatment. ”